Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Resolutions Schmesolutions

I am horrible at making (and keeping) New Year's Resolutions.  Horrible.  As much as I try to resist making an ambitious list for the coming year, I still write one... every year.  Why?  I'm already an expert of taking on way too much, so why do I add to my already never-ending list?  To be perfectly honest, adding more to my lists stresses me out and, this year, I'm not going to do it.

Since it is New Year's Eve, I feel like I should post some sort of list.  So to whet my appetite of devouring a list, any list, I will reflect on last year's goals.  Remember when I mentioned I'm horrid at keeping resolutions?  Yup, this is not going to end well.


My 2014 Resolutions:

  • Only buy coffee if I bring a traveler mug.
  • Only use reusable shopping bags.
  • Organize all digital photos.
  • Finish all started projects.
  • Lose 15 lbs.
  • Publish a blog post each month.

Reusable Coffee Mugs:  To start with a positive, I did well with this goal in 2013.  I only used three paper coffee cups (two of which were thoughtful gestures from friends, so I could not resist).  In 2014, I used eight paper coffee cups.  This slight digression will not solve America's coffee cup consumption problem of 400 million cups of coffee a day, but it makes me feel like I'm doing my part.  I may guilt myself into trying this again in 2015... if I were making resolutions.

Reusable Shopping Bags:  I have to keep my reusable shopping bags in the passenger seat in order to remember to use them.  Since the bags usually get moved to trunk to fit more important items like my purse, water bottle, snacks, umbrella, stuffed animals, Legos, etc., I often (almost always) forget to take my bags into the store.  I completely failed this resolution. 

Organize Digital Photos:  This task is overwhelming.  So.  Many.  Photos.  I don't even know where to start.  I am impressed with the fact that I have been avoiding this goal all year long.  I may have my photos organized before 2020.  That's fair, right?

Finish Projects:  I am the queen of starting projects and not finishing them.  I started to make a dent in my projects, but then I lost all ambition of completing anything.  I am four(ish) months pregnant with my third child.  As if it wasn't hard enough completing projects with two little boys running around, I now get to cope with extreme fatigue, which hinders my drive.  I did, however, create my own Etsy shop this year.  It's called LAnna Banana Handmade.  Every time I make something, I make an extra to sell.  Since I'm a pro at not completing much lately, there isn't much on there, but it is so much fun when something sells (especially to a stranger, friend, or human).  After some contemplation, I think I'm okay with not completing this resolution.  There will always be projects and I will always enjoy working on them.

Lose 15 Pounds:  Yah, this didn't happen.  I gained a few pounds instead.  I'm eating for two, right?  Anyways, I'm giving myself until my youngest turns 18 to get the pregnancy weight off.  18 months?!  No way!  Let me clarify, I'm giving myself until my youngest offspring turns 18 years of age to rid myself of all pregnancy weight.  It's not like weight loss is not a priority, but right now I'm just praying the weight will come off miraculously.  For the sake of my sanity, this would be best.  A girl can dream, right?

Blog Posts:  I have fun blogging.  I still do not know the focus or purpose of my blog, but I enjoy writing.  For now, my blog's purpose is sharing stories and ideas about family, experiences, and making stuff  I did not publish a post each month, but if I post this by midnight I'll have twelve posts (that's an average of one post a month).  Success!

To do or not to do... that is the question.

Okay, I did not completely fail resolution-wise in 2014.  I achieved part of my goals.  In 2015, I resolve to not make crazy goals.  Instead, I will continue with the following...

Keep God close.  Not at an arm's length, but in my heart, life, and decisions daily. 

Prioritize what's really important.  Folding laundry will never take priority over my husband or kids. (I'm sitting on the couch next to Mt. Laundry right now.)  The rate that my children are growing is terrifying, so I am not going to let their lives (or my life) pass me by - not for laundry, not for anything.

Do what makes me happy.  I don't like shopping on Tuesdays (senior discount day); I don't like dancing anywhere, but the living room with my boys; and I don't like eating brussel sprouts.  These things (and a few others), don't make me happy, so I'm not going to waste my time doing them.  I'll tell you what I will do, I will read, craft, cook, play with my children... Life is too short to do otherwise.

That seems easy enough, right?  I can and will stick to those three things.  If you must make resolutions, try small, attainable, realistic resolutions like these 19 Mind-Numbingly Easy New Year's Resolutions... or document your rememberlutions.  That is all.

Happy New Year!

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